January 2008


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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
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rob thorn <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 22:13:25 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)
I spent a few hours working parks along this central Columbus river, looking for interesting winter strays with some success.  I made stops at the OSU wetlands, Whetstone Park, the Adena Ravine, and Highbanks MetroPark.  The weather was cold, but reasonable (compared to the past week), so a lot of birds were out and active.  Highlights included

Black-cr.Night Heron - the small colony of 8-10 birds is still at the OSU footbridge near the stadium

Canada Geese - a big flock of 350+ birds was jammed into an opening in the ice above the dam north of Dodridge Rd, and more were further south around OSU

Raptors - Red-tails were at several places along the river, and a Kestrel was at the OSU wetlands, but I couldn't find the Merlin or the Peregrine reported from that vicinity

woodpeckers - all the common species, as well as winter-resident sapsuckers at both OSU wetlands and Adena ravine

nuthatches, creeper - lots of White-br.nuthatches at all stops, as well as a Red-breasted along Overbrook Rd (at the eastern end of Adena ravine).  Brown Creepers were at both the OSu wetland and Whetstone Park

thrushes - a few Robins at every stop (despite a virtual lack of fruit) were supplemented by an E.Bluebird at Highbanks and a Hermit Thrush at Whetstone Park

Sparrows - Song Sparrows at all stops, but in no great numbers.  Tree Sparrows at both the OSu wetlands and the Highbanks Nature Center feeders.  A Swamp sparrow was the highlight at the OSU wetlands

Finches - House finches common to abundant at all stops.  Goldfinch flocks at OSU wetlands and Whetstone, and the group at OSU wetlands contained a Pine siskin.


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