December 2008


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Ohio birds <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Dec 2008 19:28:01 EST
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Dan Gesualdo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hey folks,
Another tale of bad news from the marina. E. 55th can be a scary place. I
have seen many gulls and pigeons killed there.
But even more disturbing was what happened as I pulled into the area at  9:30
this morning. A black pick up truck, Chevy model 4 X 4 with lots of  antennas
on the top was pulling out. I went to the end of parking area where I  was
looking through gulls and my eye caught them (2 White guys-mid 30's) as they
got out of their truck over by the restroom area. They chased down a, what I
assumed to be injured, Canada goose. I had my binos out so watched as they
cornered it by the restrooms and one of them came out with it by it's feet,  wings
flapping. He then proceeded to kill it near the back of his truck (not  sure
exactly how) and then ran over and threw it into the dumpster by the
porta-john. I was mortified but it all happened very quickly without even time  for me
to snap a few quick pics as I normally would have. I tried to get a plate
number but the front did not have one and the rear was covered in snow. I
checked the dumpster and sure enough the goose was crumpled and broken in  the
bottom of the trash as they sped out and onto the shore way headed west.  People
can be so incredibly cruel, even if the bird was injured, there are other
things that can be done.
Keep your eyes open down there guys, as my mother always says "be aware of
your surroundings".
Better birding another day I hope.
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