November 2009


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 20 Nov 2009 16:00:23 -0500607_us-ascii While on business today at this newly acquired state property (DeLorme
42D1), a flock of waterfowl caught my eye over a portion of the lake.
It seemed an unusual leap-frogging movement of birds over the surface in
a shallow embayment. When I glassed the area with binoculars I noticed
a peregrine falcon perched atop a dead tree in the water. It almost
immediately peeled off and flew over the ducks and then out of sight
around the corner. Although these ducks at first appeared small, I
couldn't find anything at this location other than 60 - 70 mallards.
There were [...]48_20Nov200916:00:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 17:21:56 -0500
text/plain (15 lines)
I am sending this report for Peter and Lois Meyst. They observed 35 Tundra Swans and a Ruddy Shelduck today at Pond 27 at the Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area in Wyandot County. The birds were initially observed at 1:00 PM and they were still present at 3:00 PM when Peter and Lois were leaving. Wyandot CH-68 goes along the south side of Pond 27. Several Bald Eagles were reported in the vicinity of Pond 27 and a Chukar was seen near the Sportsman's Club.

for Peter and Lois,
Charlie Bombaci


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