I spent the morning birding some locations along the Darby Creek corridor (SW of Columbus) that don't often get much attention. I was mostly looking for spots that had decent migrants, both night- and day-flying migrants, but with limited success. I started at Osprey Lake (an old quarry south of Darbydale), then worked north to Trail of the Ancients and the Confluence area (where Big & Little Darby Creeks meet), then pushed up to the Prairie View area of Prairie Oaks MetroPark to check the Coneflower Trail, a good migrant area. The overcast morning seemed to cast a pall over migration, and I only ran into a few small mixed flocks, mostly along the Trail of the Ancients. Notables included:
Raptors - Turkey Vultures starting to move, with 40+ roosting at Osprey lake and another 6-7 flying south over the Confluence area.
Woodpeckers - good #s of common species at every stop, including 2 Pileated at Tr.of Ancients
Swallows & Swifts - surprisingly scarce. A few Rough-wings were widely scattered; 1 Barn was at the Prairie View wetland. 3 Swifts flew south over the Confluence area
Flycatchers - 3-4 Wood Pewees and 1 Acadian still along the Tr. of Ancients
Blue Jays - steady trickle southward all morning. Confluence was the best, with 28+ / 45 minutes
Vireos - few, with only 2-3 Red-eyed along the Tr. of Ancients, and none along the Coneflower Trail
Thrushes - Swainson's at many locations, but no great numbers; 5+ at Tr. of Ancients was high
Mimids - Catbirds common; no Thrashers or Mockingbirds, despite good areas
Cedar Waxwings - small flocks at many locations; 20+ flew south over the Confluence area
Warblers - small flocks at a few areas; Tr. of Ancients had 12 sp : Parula, Nashville, Tenn., Magnolia, Black-thr.Green (3), Cape May, Blackburnian (2), Blackpoll (3), Bay-breasted (2), Redstart (3), Ovenbird, Com.Yellowthroat (5)
Buntings,Grosbeaks - 2 Rose-br.Grosbeaks were along Tr. of Ancients, while the Coneflower Trail had 3-4 Indigo Buntings
Sparrows - a Lincoln's Sparrow along the Coneflower Trail was FOS; no White-throated here yet.
Blackbirds - no big flocks this morning, with a mixed flock of 50+ Redwings & grackles along the Coneflower trail the high
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