Plenty of Bobolinks in the grassland areas around the windmill in north Glacier Ridge MetroPark. I had about 15 in 15 minutes, with great looks at singing territorial males. I even watched Redwings chase several. The only other grassland birds much in evidence today were E.Meadowlarks (8-10) and Grasshopper Sparrows (4).
I also biked around to the different woodlots nearby, which had a decent assortment of migrants including Red-shouldered Hawk, E.Wood Pewee, Acadian Flycatchers, Willow Flycatcher (FOS), Great Crested Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireos (6-7), Wood Thrushes, Brown Thrasher, Catbirds, Cedar Waxwings, Yellow Warbler, Parula Warblers, Nashville, Chesnut-sided (3), Magnolia (3-4), Blackburnian, Yellow-rumped, Black-thr,Green, AmRedstart, Ovenbird, N.Waterthrush, and Com.Yellowthroat
Early in the morning, I stopped at Kiwanis Park along the SCioto River, but couldn't relocate the Barred Owls seen yesterday. There was a decent migrant fallout there, including Warbling Vireos, Baltimore Orioles, and 9 sp. of warblers (Prothonotary, Yellow-throated, Tennessee, Magnolia, Chesnut-sided, Black-thr.Green, Yellow-rumps, Blackpolls (2 FOS), and Com.Yellowthroat). Oddly, nearby Coventry Woods had not a single warbler, but compensated with my FOS Veery and Swainson's Thrushes
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