Paul Gardner, Jeff Grabmeier and I birded several locations in Pickaway
County this morning. We made stops at the East Street wetlands/grasslands
at New Holland, Deer Creek beach, Egypt Pike/Dick Road wetlands, Calamus
Swamp, the Charlie's Pond area, and the Slate Run wetlands. Highlights
East Street:
We arrived early hoping for rails but had none; however, two early, singing
Henslow's Sparrows were a great consolation prize, with decent looks at
one. Loads of American Coots and Blue-winged Teal dominated the waterfowl
here, with only a handful of other species. We also had Savannah, Field,
Chipping, and White-crowned Sparrow here.
Deer Creek Beach:
Despite a lack of dog-walkers, the beach was only occupied by two
Ring-billed Gulls and a Killdeer. Waterfowl out on the lake was limited to
Canada Geese and a Double-crested Cormorant.
Egypt Pike/Dick Road wetlands:
A controlled burn at the large overlook blind was drawing in a horde of
swallows, both Tree and Northern Rough-winged. Mixed in with them was a
single Chimney Swift, one of the birds I look forward most to its return in
spring. Waterfowl numbers were low, with handfuls of shovelers, a few Ruddy
Ducks, and some Ring-necked Ducks, Lesser Scaup, and Bufflehead thrown in.
Lots of coots, which seemed to be the theme of the day. A Palm Warbler was
a nice surprise foraging in the bushes nearby, and we heard a House Wren
singing as well. Jeff spied a Green Heron as we were leaving.
Calumus Swamp:
We stayed briefly, but long enough to observe a pair of Rusty Blackbirds.
Charlie's Pond area:
We mainly birded a small wetland on River Road northwest of Charlie's Pond,
which in the past has produced some really cool wetland birds, despite its
rather limited size. Today it had a Wilson's Snipe and a Sora.
Slate Run Wetlands:
The highlight here was being greeted by a singing Yellow-throated Warbler
as soon as we stepped out of the car. A Sora was also present in the
wetlands, but attempts to locate Sandhill Cranes failed. Again, coots were
the most common water bird. A pair of Northern Harriers circled together
above the wetlands - perhaps a pair looking to nest?
Notably absent from our day list were shorebirds - very little good habitat
was present, but even some of the shallower wet areas, like at the River
Road wetland and East Street, only produced a single shorebird each (snipe
at the former, Lesser Yellowlegs at the latter). If you're looking for
shorebirds, look north, not south.
Good birding,
Andy Sewell
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