March 2015


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Judith Espedal <[log in to unmask]>
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Judith Espedal <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 Mar 2015 10:03:46 -0800
text/plain (18 lines)
Yesterday my daughter, going to work at Wright-pat. Credit Union in Fairborn,  saw a raptor she thought might be a falcon (she is not a birder but knows enough to realize it was not a hawk) eating a squirrel just outside the bank's employee entrance. She got pictures on her phone and in the evening I went to her home to look at them. It was not a falcon, it was an osprey - eating a squirrel by the credit union's door.  Did not know they would eat anything but fish, but then the lakes are frozen and there is lots of competition from eagles and gulls on the rivers.

This morning at Eastwood MetroPark, lagoon side: lots of Canada geese (2 sizes but none small enough to be cacklings)
      gadwalls, a great blue heron, and some female lesser scaups on the lagoon, which has a lot more open water than the last time we were there - got close enough to the scaups to see the somewhat pointy heads that distinguish them from the greater.
    common mergansers on the river
   a couple of small birds - a song sparrow and a white-throated sparrow


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