Berlin Lake is currently full of many birds taking advantage of extensive, prime mud flats. Yesterday late afternoon there were Black Tern, Black-bellied Plover, Sanderling, Semipalmated Plover, 51 Killdeer, 2 Baird's Sandpiper, 35 Least Sandpiper, 16 Semiplamated Sandpiper, 10 Lesser Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper, & Solitary Sandpiper. All were relocated near dark along with Short-billed Dowitcher. Prime habitat is vast and there are large numbers of gulls, herons, egrets, ducks, swallows, cormorants, and much more taking advantage of the perfect feeding levels meaning there is great potential for a wide variety of rare birds to drop in here in the coming days.
Most of the shorebirds and Black Tern were found by parking on Price Rd just west of Rt 225 and walking south across Price road south along the edge of the mudflats to where the shoreline bends 90 degrees right (west) and heads towards the bridge over the Deer Creek spillway. You want to walk as far west there as you can and then scan through (scope necessary) the birds out in front of that bridge.
You can see many birds as well looking north from the parking lot on Price. To best see all that is there one should also drive from Price Rd and turn left (north) on Rt 225 for about a half mile and then park on the west side of the road in front of a series of 4' tall cut off telephone poles. From there you can walk west to the mudflats and and follow the shoreline north and then back east to the Rt 225 bridge. From the bridge scope the habitat east of Rt 225. There will surely be some great birds reported from here the next two weeks.
Kent Miller
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