From: Rod Phillips, Department of History, Carleton University, Ottawa
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I expect someone will post a fuller account of this, but in case not:

The Globe and Mail (Toronto) today reports a study by the Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto) that indicates that nicotine in
cigarettes creates a biochemical impulse to drink more alcohol.  Rats
trained to drink alcohol increased their alcohol consumption by as much
as 30 per cent after being injected with nicotine (equivalent to the
amount of the stimulant a peson smoking 10-15 cigarettes would absorb).

The results are published today in _Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental

Roderick Phillips
Editor, Journal of Family History/
Professor, Department of History
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
Tel: (613) 520-2600 ext 2824; fax: (613) 520-2819
Email address: [log in to unmask]