Hello all,
I have a former student of mine who has asked the following question about
college students with jobs.  This has also been a question that the Public
Information Department has asked during the past week.  I was asked if I
knew of any such data.  I didn't.  Do any of you fine people know of any
resource or article that would give a percentage or number of college
students who also have jobs?  If possible, some type of comparison with
current and previous years would optimal.  Thank you for any assistance that
you can provide.

If you want to e-mail to me personally, my e-mail address is:
[log in to unmask]

Greg Grady
College of Mount St. Joseph
Cincinnati, OH 45233

> Do you know of any sources that would have student data across the nation?
> Specifically, I am looking for the percentage of students who work today.
> I am working on an article for dateline and a project that deals with this
> topic for my oral communications class. My theory is that students have
> jobs outside of school more today than in the past. And this affects their
> school work. I wonder if data supports this?
> Thanks
> BJ Schmidt