Digital Mind Masthead

You've heard the hype, and you've seen those little white earphones everywhere, but do you honestly want to have the same MP3 player as everyone else on your block? Do you enjoy the idea of paying so much money to get so little, especially with all the other options out there? If not, then we may have the player for you:

The DMC Xclef 500 offers unrivalled capacities at a price you can afford We'd like to introduce you to the acclaimed DMC Xclef 500, the largest capacity digital music player/recorder on the market today. Not only does it offer tremendous capacity for the dollar, it also comes with a host of standard features that you won't find on any iPod. Consider the built-in FM tuner, or the ability to record from the tuner (or any audio source), straight to high-quality MP3's (at 32 - 320 kb/s) without the need for a computer.

Worried about compatability? The DMC Xclef 500 is both PC and Mac compatible, without the need for any 3rd party software whatsoever. Can it get any easier?

If that wasn't enough to get your attention, then try this on for size: The DMC Xclef's user-friendly, modular design allows you to make upgrades when you outgrow it. Add new, larger hard drives when they become available, or replace your rechargeable battery without paying an arm and a leg. On top of that, the player's firmware is upgradeable too, so you can add new features and improvements whenever they become available. These factors alone can add years to your MP3 player's lifespan - why not have an MP3 player that can grow with your music collection?

Finally, for a limited time only, DMC is also offering free domestic shipping to all students to make a great player even more affordable. Simply type the word "Student" into the coupon field of our store's checkout page to take advantage of this special offer.


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Optional Remotes are available The DMC Xclef 500 can have its hard drive upgraded quickly and easily Replacing the DMC Xclef 500's battery is a breeze The DMC Xclef 500 can record from its built-in FM tuner, or any external audio source

Digital Mind Corp · 2260 Rutherford Road, Ste. 103 · Carlsbad, CA 92008