


Most people die before they are fully born. Creativeness means to be born before one dies.
See how many are better off than you are, but consider how many are worse. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly what is essential is invisible to the eye.

All great ideas are controversial, or have been at one time.
The finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet.
Cheerfulness in most cheerful people, is the rich and satisfying result of strenuous discipline.
A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.
People will go right on preferring to do business with friends.Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
What's scary in life is not what people know (or don't know), but what they know that ain't so.
Impossibilities are merely things which we have not yet learned.
Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get em, get em right, or they will get you wrong.

He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God.
It never occurs to some politicians that Lincoln is worth imitating as well as quoting.

A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.

What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians. A man lives by believing something: not by debating and arguing about many things.

Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment.
