Hey Everybody,
On Monday morning, as I was driving on Fairbanks Rd on the west side of
Cincinnati, I saw this very large black bird fly out of the canopy, across
the street and disappeared over an apartment building.  There was a white
spot on the throat, lots of orange at the front of the bird, and about 100
cm in total length.   It was flying very fast with me going about 50 mph up
an hill, but it had broad wings that was probably about 77 cm.   The tail
jutted out, but no clear markings.  It was bigger than a common crow, but
smaller than an black vulture, and no white patches on the wings.
It flew over an apartment building and I drove behind it to see if it
perched but no luck.  The very first thing that I thought of when I first
saw it was black vulture, but no white on the wings, all that orange at the
head (I couldn't tell if it was a bill or not), size, and long tail.  Could
it be an escaped Toco Toucan?  A really big crow carrying something orange
and white?  Last time I checked, the zoo didn't have toucans (some hornbills
though), and I don't think toucans are a popular pet on the west side of
Cincy.   Does anybody have any suggestions of what it might be?
Tom Czubek

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