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Aciphex - $1.08 - used for the treatment of persistent, frequent heartburn and other symptoms associated with acid reflux disease. Persistent and frequent occurrences are classified as 2 or more days a week. 

Pheromone cologne for men - $35.99 - The human pheromones that attracts females has finally been recreated in the laboratory! Naturally found in minute amounts in the perspiration of men, these natural pheromones are an evolutionary remnant from a time when human females relied on scent to locate male mates. 

Ginseng - $35.99 - used to improve the body's resistance to stress and to increase vitality. 

Prilosec - $1.33 - can be taken to decrease the amount of acid produced in the stomach. 

Spermamax - $40.5 - SPERMAMAX is a scientifically validated herbal nutritional blend to enhance fertility by improving sperm quality, count and motility (spontaneous motion). 

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