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Nexium - $3.02 - works by decreasing the acid produced by acid pumps. NEXIUM deactivates some of the pumps to keep acid production under control. By reducing acid production in the stomach, NEXIUM reduces the amount of acid backing up into the esophagus and causing reflux symptoms. 

Phentermine - $2.98 - a drug used in the short-term management of obesity. It comes in tablets or capsules of various colors depending on the strength of the medication; 15, 30 and 37.5 milligram pills available. 

Horny Goat Weed - $35.99 - Epimedium is a genus of twenty-one related plant species. It boosts libido (sex drive), increases energy levels and enhances recovery from exercise. 

Ginseng - $35.99 - used to improve the body's resistance to stress and to increase vitality. 

Proscar - $1.07 - helps shrink the prostate in many men. 

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