The Mosquito Lake region did not disappoint today. There were many migrants passing overhead with many new arrivals around the region. Light winds and mild temperatures were a welcome change to man and bird alike.
Pie-billed Grebe - 3
Horned Grebe - 5
Common Loon - 17
Hooded Merganser - 9
Common Merganser - 2
Canvas Back - 1
Ring-neck Duck - 359
Bufflehead - 250+ (actively diving - hard to count)
Green-wing Teal - 2
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Common Snipe - 6
Eastern Meadowlark - 2
Eastern Bluebird - 6
Eastern Phoebe - 1
Northern Flicker - 2
Hairy Woodpecker - 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1
Swamp Sparrow - 3
Tree Sparrow - numerous
Song Sparrow - more numerous
Tree Swallow - 7
Great Blue Heron - 3
Rough-legged Hawk - 1
Red Tail Hawk - 29
Red-shouldered Hawk - 7
Bald Eagle - 11
Northern Harrier - 10
American Kestrel - 1
Unidentified Raptors (Buteos) - 3
Turkey Vulture - very many
Osprey - 2 (building a nest on platform at the end of Mahan Denman Rd)
Northern Shrike - 1 (not witnessed, but reported from a passing unnamed birder in the area where they have been seen most this past winter)
The Mosquito Lake Region is:
Mosquito Lake - Delorme pg.43 A-B 5.5
Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area - Delorme pg 43 A5
Grand River Wildlife Area - Delorme pg 42 A4

Enjoy the birds
Andrew Morrison
Kirtland, OH


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