Today i had a FULL day of birding. I focused on a few spots around 
Columbus and had a very prodcutive trip. I made stops at Blendon Woods 
(B), Hoover Resevior (H), OSU wetlands (OW) and west campus wood lot 
(OSU) , and Greenlawn cemetary (G). Here is what i saw:

Double-crested Cormorant (H)
Great Blue Heron (H) (OW)
Canada Goose all stops
Wood Duck (B) (OW)
Mallard (B) (OW) (G)
Turkey Vulture (H)
Osprey (H)
Ring-billed Gull (H)
Mourning Dove all stops
Rock Dove all stops
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (OW)
Barred Owl (Whetstone Park, Heard Only)
Chimeny Swift all stops
Red-bellied Woodpecker (B) (G) (OW)
Downy Woodpecker (H) (B) (OW) (G)
Hairy Woodpecker (B)
NOrthern Flicker (B) (OW)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (B)
Acadian Flycatcher (B)
Least Flycatcher (B) (G)
Eastern Phoebe (B) (G)
Red-eyed Vireo all stops
Warbling Vireo (B)(H) (G)
Yellow-Throated Vireo (B) (Heard Only)
Blue-headed Vireo (B) (G)
Blue Jay all stops
American Crow (B) (OSU)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (OW)
Tree Swallow (B) (H) (OW)
Cliff Swallow (H)
Barn Swallow all stops
Tufted Titmouse (B)
Carolina Chickadee all stops
White-breasted Nuthatch (B) (G)
Carolina Wren (OSU) (H)(OW)
House Wren all stops
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (B) (G)
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher (B) (G) (OW) (OSU)
Eastern Bluebird (B)
American Robin all stops
Wood Thrush (B) (G)
Veery (G)
Swainson's Thrush (G) (B)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (G)
Hermit Thrush (G)
Gray Catbird all stops
Northern Mockingbird (H) (G)
Brown Thrasher (G)
European Starling all stops
Northern Parula (B) (OW)
Tennessee Warbler (OSU)
Blue-Winged Warbler (B)
Nashville Warbler all stops
Yellow Warbler (B) (G) (H)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (B)
Magnolia Warbler (B)(G)
Cape May Warbler (B)
Blackburnian Warbler (B) (OW)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (H)
Black-throated Warbler (B) (G)
Palm Warbler (B)
Bay-breasted Warbler (B)
Yellow-throated Warbler (OW)
Prothonotary Warbler (H)
Black-and-white Warbler (B)
American Redstart (B)
Ovenbird (G) (OSU)
Common Yellowthroat (OSU)
Canada Warbler (B)
Hooded Warbler (B)(G)
YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT (G, on west side of ravine)
Scarlet Tanager (B)
Northern Cardinal all stops
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (G)(OSU)
Indigo Bunting (B) (G) (OSU)
Eastern Towhee (G)
Field Sparrow (B)
Chipping Sparrow (G)(OSU)(B)
White-throated Sparrow (G)
Song Sparrow (B)(G)
Brown-headed Cowbird all stops
Red-winged Blackbird (B)(H)(OW)
Common Grackle (H)(G)
Baltimore Oriole (H)(OSU)(OW)
House Finch (OSU)(OW)
American Goldfinch (B)(G)(OW)(OSU)
House Sparrow all stops  

Long Day but very rewarding. 

Good Birding!!!


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