1. Yellow
2. Yellow-rumped
3. C. Yellowthroat
4. Palm
5. Pine - female only
6. Cape May
7. Hooded
8. Magnolia - 100's
9. Nashville
10. Wilson's
11. B.t. Green
12. B.t. Blue
13. Black & White
14. Ovenbird
15. A. Redstart
16. N. Waterthrush
17. Blackburnian
18. Chestnut-sided - many
19. N. Parula
20. Canada
21. Tenn. - only 1
22. Blackpoll
23. Bay-breasted
24. Prothonotary - only one 
25. Blue-winged
26. Golden-winged - only one
27. Brewster's - one ? 
28. Lawrence's - one yesterday (confirmed)
29. Mourning - several
30. Y.b. Chat - 1 possibly 2
31. Cerulean - 1 female
32. Orange-crowned - 1 only
33. KIRTLAND'S - seen by Lee at the tower by the bird center up-close in
the a.m.
Lee also saw Broad-winged, Red-tailed, Sharp-shinned Hawks & Turkey
Vultures from the tower. 
1. Blue-headed
2. Philadelphia
3. Warbling
Other birds seen today
1. Common Nighthawk - in tree along the road
2. A. Woodcock
3. E. Screech Owl
4. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
5. Sora
6. Least Flycatcher - I'm sure others too ?
7. Balt & Orchard Orioles
8. Brown Thrasher
9. R.b. Grosbeak
10. Red-breasted Nuthatch 
11. Veery & Swainson's Thrush
12. Lots of Snowy Egrets
13. Bald Eagles






Mary L. Warren 
ODNR-Division of Wildlife 
Magee Marsh Wildlife Area 
13229 W. SR 2 Oak Harbor, OH 43449 
419-898-0960 #31 
419-898-4017 Fax 



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