Hi all,

       Took a little trip to Conneaut today, as expected the birds were different from yesterday.
  The turn over was constant which made things fun, I had a total of 12 species of shorebird as well as plenty of other birds.

  Least Sandpiper - Most common shorebird largest flock was 36  with several smaller flocks
                             passing through.

  Semipalmated Plover - 26
  Semipalmated Sandpiper - 4
  Short-billed Dowitcher - 6, no Long-billed that I could find, the fact they were calling
                                    constantly made ID alot easier.
  Greater Yellowlegs -2
  Lesser Yellowlegs- 1
  Pectoral Sandpiper - 3 together in small flock
  Ruddy Turnstone - 1
  Bairds Sandpiper - 1
  Wilson's Phalarope - 1 interesting looking bird. Molting juvenile came in with the largest
                                    flock of Least's and associated closely with them, eventually leaving
                                    with them.
  Other birds of interest:
  Marsh Wren - 8 singing
  Bonaparte's Gull -  7
  Common Tern - 3
  Bank Swallow  ~ 270 (closest count I could get)
  Bald Eagle - 1 juvie.
  Yellow Warbler - 25+

  Good Birding,

  Phil Chaon

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