I had only a spare hour and figured that Blendon Woods would be well-covered, so I opted for this trail on the southeast side of Hoover Reservoir, just east of the dam.  It loops along the edge of the oak-filled ravines that hug the east shore of Hoover, with a relict prairie on one side (courtesy of the folks at Columbus Rec & Parks), so it can be a dandy place to look for migrants.  This morning had a fair fallout, so the hour was well-spent.  Highlights included:
Woodpeckers - Red-bellied (6), Downy (7), Hairy (1), Flicker (2)
Flycatchers - Wood Pewees (3+), Least Flycatcher (1)
Nuthatches - White-breasted (5), Red-breasted (2)
Vireos - Red-eyed (2+), Philadelphia (1)
Thrushes - Swainson's (3-4)
Mimids - Catbirds (7+), Mockingbird, Brown Thrasher
Warblers - 8 Species: Nashville (2), Black-thr.Green (3), Magnolia (3), Cape May (2), Blackpoll (2), Ovenbird, Redstart (3), Com.Yellowthroat
Tanagers - Scarlet (2), Summer (2)
Grosbeaks,Buntings - Rose-br.Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting

This spot can be a great site for acorn-loving birds like woodpeckers, jays, and titmice.  There were 8-10 Blue Jays, so numbers haven't built up yet. No Red-headed Woodpeckers this morning, but it's a reliable spot for them in migration.


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