I went to Cedar Point Chaussee after a visit to Sheldon Marsh this morning.  I had run into Bill Whan & Bran Sparks so I followed them over since we were both going there.  They decided there wasn't much exciting and unusual (no Godwits or Western Sandpipers) so they left but I decided my options were limited and I would give it a try especially since I had seen a Phalarope from my car.  I had to park at the beginning and walk out by myself so I wouldn't get ticketed.  Our Cleveland bird group Saturday morning didn't see much with north winds and today with south winds there still wasn't much but there is mudflats.  I was unable to find any unusual sandpipers but I have no fear I will attempt to embarrass myself at my ID's:

  Pied-billed Grebes - not as many as yesterday when saw over 20-25
  Black-bellied Plovers 2
  Semipalmated Plovers - multiple
  Yellowlegs (probably greater & lesser) most numerous birds
  Semipalmated & Least Sandpipers (many Least)
  Pectoral Sandpipers - multiple
  Dowitcher 1  (very pale light grayish and very long bill) I think Long-billed
  RED-NECKED PHALAROPE - 1 had dark cap, dark eye smudge went past eye, dark feathers down sides and top of back, thin dark line down back of head, thin not real long bill rather dainty
  Could of also been another one as the first one I didn't see black line down back of neck
  Caspian & Forster's Terns
  Blackpoll Warblers - many

  Sheldon Marsh
  I didn't see as many birds as the Columbus people but I did find:
  Warblers: Nashville, Magnolia, Black-throated Blue, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-n-white, American Redstarts, Common Yellowthroats,
  Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 2 together
  Brown Thrasher, Carolina Wrens, Swainson's Thrushes, Chipping Sparrow, RB Nuthatches

  Nancy Anderson
  Richmond Hts, OH

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha!
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