Sunday, Oct. 21 - 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Main Park:
    Bald eagle - mature
    Green- and blue-winged teal
    DC cormorant
    Great blue heron
    Wood ducks
    Carolina chickadees
    Belted kingfisher
    Red-bellied woodpecker
    White-breasted nuthatch
    American crows

North Park:
    Yellow-rumped warblers
    Rough-winged and tree swallows
    Least sandpiper
    Belted kingfishers
    Pied-billed grebes
    Cooper's hawk
    Red-tailed hawk
    American crows
    Red-winged blackbirds
    Mourning dove
    Great blue heron
    American goldfinch
    And most of the "regular stuff"

Ed and Bev Neubauer
Englewood, Ohio

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