The ice has been moving in and out here on the island. The Christmas Bird 
Count on December 17 herre on South Bass featured 52 species including 123 
Tundra Swans, 2 Long Tailed Ducks along with fifteen other species of 
waterfowl, Snow Buntings, a Purple Sandpiper on East Point, a Northern 
Harrier over the ducks, and a Hermit Thrush in the snow. Some ice moved in 
the next day (18th) reducing the number of Tundra Swans. Warm weather 
opened things up again later that week. Today (12/26) when I returned to 
the island on the ferry (through some ice,) the only totally open patches 
around the island were at the East Point turnaround where the following 
waterfowl were seen:
2 Tundra Swans
x Double-crested Cormorants
xxx Bufflehead
xx Common Goldeneyes
xxx Scaup
x Redhead
Every day is a surprise with the ice moving in and out!

Lisa Brohl


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