Friday - 11th - Another day of beating the forecast - no rain until around 5 pm. Winds 5-20 from the south; warm temps, mostly cloudy to partly cloudy. The count was again at Malek Park in Conneaut all day.

The movement was steady all day - no real breaks in the action. Strong late burst of Harriers, 4 and 5 at a time, resulted in new state high as far as we know. It was also the most Merlins I've seen in a day. Two other falcons were most probably Merlins but not close enough to count - 3 came right overhead - quite low. The Peregrine and the Goshawk also gave us really good looks. First Broadwings of the season.

Lastly, we counted 25 Kingfishers migrating - fairly high, with the TVs and hawks. There were also 34 Great Blue Herons on the same flight paths as the raptors. 10 C. Loons, all singles, plus 7 Great Egrets.

T. Vultures- 365
Osprey   - 18
Bald Eagle  - 3
N. Harrier   -  75
Sharp-shinned   - 164
Cooper's   -   13
N. Goshawk   -  1
Red-Shouldered  - 15
Broad-winged  -  5
Red-tailed   -  39
Rough-legged  - 2
Am. Kestrel   - 116
Merlin   -- 5
Peregrine   -  1


  Bruce Glick
  [log in to unmask]
  Millersburg, Ohio

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