The cool rainy morning made for a good fallout in the Gahanna greenbelt along Big Walnut Creek (McCorkle park to Woodside Green Park to Academy Park).  Although I only had a few hours in the morning, a quick bike trip along the greenbelt built a large list of migrants.  Highlights included:

4 Flycatchers:  Least, Acadian, Crested, Pewee

3 swallows: Rough-winged, Barn, Tree

3 vireos: Red-eyed (common), Yellow-throated, Warbling

kinglets, gnatcatchers - 2-3 Ruby-cr.Kinglets, many gnatcatchers

3 Thrushes: Wood (common), Swainson's, Veery

3 mimids: Mockingbird, Catbird (common), Brown Thrasher

Cedar Waxwings (the first I've seen since December!)

18 warblers: Yellow, Parula, Nashville, Tennessee, Bl-thr.Blue, Bl-thr.Green, Chesnut-sided, Magnolia, Yellow-throated, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Bay-breasted, Yellow-rumped (most common), Ovenbird (4-5; they've been very common this Spring), Redstart, Black&White, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-br.Chat (unusual here)

Grosbeaks, Buntings - Rose-breasted grosbeaks (common), Indigo Buntings (common)

Sparrows - the expected (Chipping, Field, Song, White-throated)

Orioles - only Baltimores


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