Another great 4 day Mother’s Day escape to Magee Marsh with my best friend 
Cathy! The highlight this year was the Auto Tour at Ottawa NWR on Saturday. 
Along the south road was a traffic jam with lots of spectators with 
spotting scopes, always a good sign. There were reports of the White-Faced 
Ibis in the southwest corner of the field. The field was full of Dunlin, 
many very close to the road and several Dowitcher far out in the field 
along with Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and various sandpipers which 
startled and flew when a Red-Tailed Hawk appeared. With help from a group 
of Amish enthusiasts, we finally spotted the Wilson’s Phalarope. The Ibis 
made two flights, the first of which brought him closer for a good look 
through the spotting scopes and photos, then he retreated to the southeast 
area of the field. The most exciting part was yet to come, when the Dunlin 
and Dowitcher suddenly took frantic flight, and someone called “PEREGRINE”! 
I took my nose out of my camera just in time to see an adult Peregrine 
Falcon rocket from the sky and pull out of the dive through a flock of 
Dunlin.  To my vegetarian friend’s delight, he came up empty on his hunt.

Laura Keene
Mason, Oh
“Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult”


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