Mr Palmer,
On behalf of the Greater Akron Audubon Society and the Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II, thank you for allowing access to your facility.  It was well worth the time, effort and biting flies!
Barberton Reservoir
13 June 2008
7:30 - 11:00 am
Canada goose
Wood duck
Mallard - 4
Double-crested cormorant - 5 (at least one adult)
Great blue heron - 4
Turkey vulture
Cooper's hawk
Ring-billed gull
Mourning dove - 8
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Chimney swift - 5
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Hairy woodpecker
Northern flicker
Acadian flycatcher - 2
Eastern phoebe - 2
Warbling vireo
Red-eyed vireo - 9
Blue jay - 7
American crow - 6
Tree swallow - 8
Northern rough-winged swallow
Barn swallow - 6
Black-capped chickadee - 5
Tufted titmouse - 3
RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH - 3 (two south side fire track, one near intersection of Jacoby Rd/Summit Rd)
White-breasted nuthatch
Carolina wren
House wren - 5
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Veery - 3
Wood thrush - 2
American robin - 14
Gray catbird - 13
European starling - 10
Cedar waxwing - 8
Yellow warbler - 8
Pine warbler - 2 (Summit Rd)
Hooded warbler
Scarlet tanager
Eastern towhee - 7
Chipping sparrow - 4
Field sparrow
Song sparrow - 7
Northern cardinal - 15
Rose-breasted grosbeak
Indigo bunting - 2
Red-winged blackbird
Common grackle - 4
Brown-headed cowbird - 9
Baltimore oriole - 4
House finch - 2
American goldfinch - 10
House sparrow - 2
I was told that wild turkeys are heard near the Community Gardens on Summit Rd, which seems reasonable, but I did not detect any myself today.
Gregory Bennett
Akron OH


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