This past weekend was slightly disappointing in regards to shorebirds.
Low numbers of everything, with no peeps present at all.
Highlights include:
killdeer - 8
black bellied plover - 4
am golden plover - 1
semi plover - 6
sanderling - 2
ruddy turnstone - 1
pectoral sandpiper - 2
lesser yellowlegs - 4

Also: dc cormorant, bw teal, great egret, great blue heron, green heron,
black crowned night heron, belted kingfisher, 2 bald eagles, and a flyover
peregrine falcon.
Gulls and terns in low numbers also (thanks to the eagles & falcon), but at
least 1 greater black backed gull and 7 caspian terns.
The most interesting bird of the day was a single lapland longspur lurking
along the grassy edges of the mudflats.

Bob Krajeski
North Kingsville, Ashtabula Co.

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