During the Wednesday morning bird walk a snow goose flew in and landed in 
the west pond. Views were good of head, but it kept hiding body behind 
grass. It was a blue phase.  Was hanging out with a gaggle of canada geese.

Location:     Sandy Ridge Reservation
Observation date:     9/17/08
Number of species:     47

Snow Goose     
Canada Goose     
Wood Duck     
Blue-winged Teal     
Northern Shoveler     
Green-winged Teal     
Great Blue Heron     
Great Egret     
Green Heron     
Turkey Vulture     
Mourning Dove     
Chimney Swift     
Belted Kingfisher     
Red-bellied Woodpecker     
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     
Downy Woodpecker     
Hairy Woodpecker     
Northern Flicker     
Eastern Wood-Pewee     
Eastern Phoebe     
Yellow-throated Vireo     
Warbling Vireo     
Blue Jay     
Northern Rough-winged Swallow     
Black-capped Chickadee     
Tufted Titmouse     
White-breasted Nuthatch     
House Wren     
Marsh Wren     
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     
American Robin     
European Starling     
Cedar Waxwing     
Nashville Warbler     
Magnolia Warbler     
Palm Warbler     
Blackpoll Warbler     
Common Yellowthroat     
Field Sparrow     
Savannah Sparrow     
Song Sparrow     
Swamp Sparrow     
Northern Cardinal     
Brown-headed Cowbird     
American Goldfinch


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