Hi folks,


Here is what was seen at Magee Marsh between 8 AM and 2 PM on April 21
in absolutely miserable conditions that seemed more suited to November
than April. Hopefully the warm weather that is predicted later this week
will bring in some more migrants!


Jim Witter

Seasonal naturalist

Magee Marsh Wildlife Area


Pied-billed Grebe-9

Double-crested cormorant-25

Great-blue heron-8

Great Egret-15

Snowy Egret-15

Mute Swan-2

Canada goose-14



Green-winged teal-2

Blue-winged teal-18

Northern shoveler-6

Wood duck-9

Ring-necked duck-5

Lesser scaup-225


Ruddy duck-501

Hooded merganser-2

Turkey vulture-25

Sharp-shinned hawk-33

Cooper's hawk-8

Red-tailed hawk-8

Broad-winged hawk-200

Bald Eagle-3

Northern Harrier-2

Peregrine falcon-1

American coot-9


Greater yellowlegs-1


Herring gull-3

Bonaparte's gull-50

Mourning dove-3

Great-horned owl-1

Belted kingfisher-3

Northern flicker-14

Downy woodpecker-7

Tree swallow-181

Northern rough-winged swallow-1

Barn swallow-3

American crow-1

Brown creeper-2

Winter wren-5

Brown thrasher-7

American robin-153

Hermit thrush-9

Blue-gray gnatcatcher-2

Golden-crowned kinglet-61

Ruby-crowned kinglet-11

European Starling-50

Yellow-rumped warbler-15

Louisiana waterthrush-1

Red-winged blackbird-153

Common grackle-308

Northern cardinal-2

Eastern towhee-1

Dark-eyed junco-1

White-throated sparrow-2

Fox sparrow-1

Swamp sparrow-7

Song sparrow-3

Purple finch-1

American goldfinch-1

House sparrow-8





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