I had an incredible morning birding a trail along Steffi Rd across from the
Hilliard Village condominiums.  For those unfamiliar, this is a large wooded
lot with adjoining grassy/weedy fields, various greenbelts, and a couple of
ponds. I live just down the street, so I bird there all the time.  This
little place has yielded some fantastic sightings quite regularly,
actually.  Today the birds were just THICK from 6:30 to 8:30 am.  I put
together 67 species for the day in this location, right in the middle of
Hilliard!  I'll just skip to the highlights:

Warblers (16 sp):
Wilson's (1 male), Cape May, Redstart, Yellow, Yellowthroat, Black-thr.
Green, Blackburnian, Parula, Yellow-rumped, Tennessee, Nashville, Magnolia,
Ovenbird, Palm, Chestnut-sided, Black-and-white

3 wrens: House (many), Carolina (heard), Winter (1 lurking individual)

Thrushes: Gray-cheeked (4), Swainson's (5), Veery (1), (and Robin, of

6 Sparrows: Song, Swamp (3), Lincoln's (1), White-throated (7), Chipping
(2), Eastern Towhee (1)

Also: Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireos, Green Heron, Spotted Sandpiper, Brown
Thrasher, American Woodcock (flushed it twice on accident, you can't see the
things till they fly), Great-crested Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher (4),
Scarlet Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-br. Grosbeak, Eastern Wood-pewee
(heard for sure and possibly seen, my first for the year)

Good birding,

Nate Nye
Hilliard, OH


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