Ohio birders -- Are you in favor of diversity?  Here's a chance to show your
support and learn how to actually do something about it.

If you go to popular birding sites or to gatherings of birders, you'll see a
lot of friendly faces, but eventually you'll realize that the faces you're
seeing are almost all white. Likewise, if you spend time in national parks,
state parks, national wildlife refuges, or other outdoor destinations, you
won't see many people of color.  This is true all across the U.S., just as
it is in Ohio.  For some reason, America's minority groups are sadly scarce
in birding, and in most other areas of nature study and outdoor recreation.

Why is this a problem?  Of course, most of us want everyone to have a chance
to discover the joy of birding!  But in addition to that, we need all the
help and support we can get for the conservation of birds and wildlife and
the protection of natural areas.  Demographics in the U.S. are shifting.
What the Census Bureau calls "Non-Hispanic Whites" already make up less than
50 percent of the population in some states. If bird watching and nature
study continue to be mainly pursuits for whites, we can expect to see
dwindling support for bird conservation.  For the future of our natural
resources, open spaces, and wildlife, we need to figure out how to share our
love of birding and the outdoors with a more diverse audience.

It seems to be difficult for most of us even to talk about this issue, let
alone do something about it. But on September 26, Ohio birders will have the
opportunity to hear from people who are already doing something, to learn
from them about how to promote diversity in the outdoors.

Diversity in Outdoor Recreation: The Many Faces of Conservation
Saturday, September 26, 2009 -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Ward Pavilion, Wildwood Preserve, Toledo Metroparks

This one-day conference will feature a lineup of nationally recognized
experts.  Biologist, author, and software designer John C. Robinson will
speak on "Birding for Everyone: Changing the Face of Environmental
Conservation Through Birding." Professional nature photographer and author
Dudley Edmondson will speak on "Outdoor Role Models: Black and Brown Faces
in America's Wild Places."  Tamberly Conway and Maricruz Flores, who work
with Stephen F. Austin State University and the U.S. Forest Service in
Texas, will speak on their program "Latino Legacy: Amigos del Bosque," which
has been very successful in getting families involved with forest areas.
Reflecting the importance of the issue, the conference is sponsored by a
unique partnership of Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Toledo Metroparks, and
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

The focus throughout will be on positive, practical approaches that already
have been proven to make a difference. This is an issue that is just now
starting to get national attention, and Ohio has a chance to be on the
leading edge of working for positive change.  For more information on the
conference, and on how YOU can register, go to:

If anyone is interested in more background on why I (as a lifelong rabid
birder) am personally interested in this issue, I put a little discussion on
http://birdingwithkennandkim.blogspot.com/    in the post for August 24th.

Thanks for reading, and I'll hope to see many of you at Wildwood Preserve on
September 26th.

Kenn Kaufman
Oak Harbor, Ohio


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