I visited the southeast corner of Alum Lake for two hours this morning, focusing on the New Galena area looking for migrants.  Water birds were almost non-existant, what with the opening of the early waterfowl season.  Landbirds did a good job of filling the gap, however, with several migrant flocks scattered around the point and trails at New Galena.  Highlights included:

Woodpeckers - surprising amount, given that this site has few large trees.  This included 5 Downies, 3 Red-bellies, 1 Hairy, and 4 Flickers.  No Red-headed, however.
Flycatchers - low, with only a Phoebe and a Least Flycatcher for the morning
Swallows - mostly gone, save for an early flock of 6 Barn Swallows heading south over the dam.
Vireos - decent #s, with 5 Warbling, 3 White-eyed, and 1 Red-eyed
Red-br.Nuthatch - another early one, this one an obvious migrant far from any conifers
Thrushes - aside from the expected 30-40 Robins, there was also a Wood Thrush and a Swainson's Thrush
Mimids - no thrashers, but 32+ Catbirds was a nice total for the morning.
Cedar Waxwings - several small flocks, perhaps 40 birds total.  The berry crop is pretty meager here, so they were mostly flyovers.
Warblers - Magnolia, Blackpoll (2), Blackburnian (2), Cape May (2), Yellow-throated (1), Redstart (2), Wilson's (2). Common Yellowthroat (2)
Other Migrants - 4-5 Rose-br.Grosbeaks, 1 Scarlet Tanager
Icterids - flyover Bobolinks (3), Redwings (6), and Grackles (4) livened up the morning sky.  The latter two will have big flocks going over by the end of the month.


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