
The dire weather forecast for yesterday morn inspired us to reschedule
our birding training for volunteers, but the rain turned out to be
light, so I went out in the north Glen anyway.  Spent about two hours
in the Inman Trail and Outdoor Education Center areas, and had a
decent early migration showing.  Good numbers of white-throated
sparrows (35-40), plus my first sighting of purple finch in the Glen.

The volunteer training has been rescheduled for Sunday May 2nd, 9 am
at Trailside Museum.

Here's the complete list:
Canada goose
Wood duck
Solitary sandpiper
Mourning dove
Pileated woodpecker (coming out of nesting cavity)
Red-belied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Eastern phoebe
Great horned owl (two juveniles in a nesting cavity)
Blue jay
American crow
Ruby-crowned kinglet
Carolina Chickadee
Tufted titmouse
White-breasted nuthatch
Carolina wren
American robin
Blue-gray gnatcatcher
Yellow throated warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
Blackburnian warbler
Black-throated green warbler
Louisiana waterthrush
Northern cardinal
Indigo bunting
Purple finch
American goldfinch
Eastern towhee
Field sparrow
Chipping sparrow
White-throated sparrow
Fox sparrow
House sparrow
Brown-headed cowbird
Red-winged blackbird
European starling



Nick Boutis
Director, Glen Helen Ecology Institute
Antioch College
405 Corry St.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

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