Had a good time.  Not a lot of species, but still had a good  time.

In order of appearance (except for the ones that aren't, ex.  sparrows):

Turkey vultures
European starlings
Red-winged blackbirds
Common grackles
American crows
Song, house, vesper, field, and white-throated sparrows
Carolina chickadees
Rough-legged hawk
Tree and barn swallows
Tufted titmouse
Northern flicker
Red-breasted mergansers
American robins
Mourning doves
Eastern meadowlarks - many, many, many
Eastern towhees
Red-tailed hawks
Ospreys - Pair building nest on power pole along International Rd. a half
mile from entrance to The Wilds.  Power company and The Wilds staff
supposed to relocate it this morning (Friday).
Brown-headed cowbirds
Coopers hawk
Northern mockingbird
Brown thrashers
Pied-billed grebe
Canada geese
Ring-necked ducks
Mute swans
Dark-eyed juncos
Eastern phoebe

Ed and Bev Neubauer
Englewood, Ohio


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