With other obligations limiting my birding this morning, I spent an hour at this scrubby woodland along Alum Creek in NE Columbus.  This is one of the better traps in this area, and it was in good form this morning.  Warbler numbers were up, but diversity was down from last week.  Three warblers (Magnolia, Chesnut-sided, & Redstart) accounted for the vast majority of migrant warblers, while the 'conifer warblers' that I normally associate with late migration (CapeMay, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Bay-breasted) hardly were present at all.
  Highlights included:

E.WoodPewee 4-5
ALDER FOS for me
Great Crested Flycatcher 4+
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo 6+
Wood Thrush - 2-3
Swainson's Thrush - 10+
Gray Catbird - 6
Cedar Waxwing - 2
Yellow Warbler - 1
Yellow-thr.Warbler - 1
Parula W. - 2
Magnolia W. - 15+
Chesnut-sided - 6+
Bl.thr.Green - 1
Blackburnian - 2
Blackpoll - 1
Am.Restart - 8+
Black&White - 1
Ovenbird - 1
ComYellowthroat - 3
ScarletTanager - 1
IndigoBunting - 10
Rose-br.Grosbeak - 2
BaltimoreOriole - 6


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