MAY 16, 2010 - The Wilds Area & Noble County Backroads.
Drive from Akron down to The Wilds area then on to the Noble County backroads back to   I-77 and back to Akron,
TIME: 6:20am-4:00pm TEMP.: 51-71-69 COND.: Cloudy and cool early giving way to mostly sunny, warmer and breezy. VEH.MI.: 258.3 OBS.: Douglas W. Vogus and Michelle Zager.
1. Eastern Chipmunk - 3
2. Eastern Gray Squirrel - 2
3. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 1
4. Muskrat - 1
5. White-tailed Deer - 5 (3 doe,2?)
(NOTE: ?= bird was seen but not sexed; += bird was heard calling but not seen)
1. Canada Goose - 91 (5 goslings)
2. Mallard - 23 (20m,3f)
3. Common Loon - 1 (Pond in front of Jeffrey Point raptor viewing area)
4. Great Blue Heron - 5
5. Turkey Vulture - 95
6. Cooper's Hawk - 1 (adult male)
7. Red-tailed Hawk - 24 (all adults)
8. American Kestrel - 3 (2m,1f)
9. Killdeer - 11
10. Spotted Sandpiper - 2
11. Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1
12. Least Sandpiper - 3
13. Rock Pigeon - 37
14. Mourning Dove - 16
15. Chimney Swift - 18
16. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 (?)
17. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 (f)
18. Northern Flicker - 3 (1m,1?,1*)
19. Pileated Woodpecker - 3 (2?,1*)
20. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 4
21. Acadian Flycatcher - 2
22. Willow Flycatcher - 6
>>. Unidentified Empidonax Flycatcher - 2
23. Eastern Phoebe - 2
24. Great Crested Flycatcher - 1
25. Eastern Kingbird - 4
26. White-eyed Vireo - 6
27. Warbling Vireo - 3
28. Red-eyed Vireo - 19
29. Blue Jay - 14
30. American Crow - 69
31. Horned Lark - 3
32. Purple Martin - 5
33. Tree Swallow - 7
34. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 5
35. Barn Swallow - 24
36. Carolina Chickadee - 2
37. Tufted Titmouse - 6
38. White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 (*)
39. House Wren - 5
40. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 (*)
41. Eastern Bluebird - 7 (3m,2f,2?)
42. Wood Thrush - 6
43. American Robin - 96
44. Gray Catbird - 18
45. Northern Mockingbird - 7
46. Brown Thrasher - 6
47. European Starling - 124
48. Cedar Waxwing - 3
49. Blue-winged Warbler - 1 (m)
50. Tennessee Warbler - 1 (m)
51. Yellow Warbler - 20 (16m,1f,3?)
52. Yellow-throated Warbler - 1 (m)
53. Prarie Warbler - 1 (m - Coal Hill Rd.)
54. Blackpoll Warbler - 2 (m)
55. Cerulean Warbler - 2 (m)
56. American Redstart - 3 (m)
57. Ovenbird - 5 (*)
58. Common Yellowthroat - 25 (m)
59. Hooded Warbler - 2 (m)
60. Yellow-breasted Chat - 5
61. Scarlet Tanager - 9 (m)
62. Eastern Towhee - 24 (17m,7*)
63. Chipping Sparrow - 7
64. Field Sparrow - 23
65. Savannah Sparrow - 3
66. Grasshopper Sparrow - 10
67. Henslow's Sparrow - 7
68. Song Sparrow - 24
69. Swamp Sparrow - 1
70. Northern Cardinal - 9 (7m,2*)
71. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 (m)
72. Indigo Bunting - 17 (m)
73. Bobolink - 25 (24m,1f)
74. Red-winged Blackbird - 132 (123m,9f)
75. Eastern Meadowlark - 43
76. Common Grackle - 37
77. Brown-headed Cowbird - 18 (14m,4f)
78. Orchard Oriole - 1 (m)
79. Baltimore Oriole - 3 (m)
80. American Goldfinch - 18 (10m,5f,3?)
81. House Sparrow - 19
1. Common Snapping Turtle - 1
2. Midland Painted Turtle - 10
3. Eastern Spiny Sofshell - 1
1. Eastern Black Swallowtail - 2
2. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 18
3. Spicebush Swallowtail - 2
4. Cabbage Butterfly - 6
5. Clouded Sulphur - 5
6. Mourning Cloak - 1
7. Red Admiral - 2
8. Red-spotted Purple - 1
9. Monarch - 1
Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.


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