today I had a window of opportunity for birding, so, inspired by Bob Conlon's post of yesterday, I headed up to Killdeer Plains. On the way up from Columbus, I made a brief detour for woodcocks at High Banks metro park and heard two. 

Waterfowl migration is still the highlight at Killdeer Plains. Highlights included:
10 common loons, the previously reported Eared Grebe, and a white-winged scoter at the reservoir (no red-throated loon or red-necked grebe though)
A forster's tern at Pond 33
2 light morph Rough-legged Hawks
Loads of waterfowl throughout-although I somehow managed to miss any mergansers.

After Killdeer, I went down to La Rue and admired Steve J.'s hoary redpoll for a bit, and finished up at Herr Road at Big Island, where I had about 20 snipe, 2 lesser and 1 greater yellowlegs. There was also a far off flock of shorebirds that I couldn' t quite make out, although I think they were pectoral sandpipers.

Good birding,
Andy Sewell

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