Hello All,
     As many of you will recall, there were two very rare birds reported on area state list-serves as of this past Saturday night; a White Wagtail in Michigan, and a Western Grebe here in Ohio. Decisions Decisions!! Ours was to head out to Pt. Mouillee for the WHWA; a "lifer" or "ABA lifer" for some, and a lower 48 "lifer" for me. After a 3+ hour drive, a 3.2 mile walk each way, and a 2 hour search under foggy conditions, we were rewarded with some long-distant but satisfying looks at this ABA rarity, along with 20 or so other intrepid birders!
      Today, another 3-hour drive to Evans Lake in Mahoning County turned out to be a disappointment. A cold front was moving through Ohio, and most of the rarer birds that had been seen/reported there on Saturday had moved out ahead of this front. Two other groups of birders (one had been participating in a record-breaking hawk watch on Lake, and the other who had also traveled to MI for the Wagtail, had not found the Western Grebe earlier in the morning. And although the two Red-throated Loons were there earlier (one had flown off), and the Red-necked Grebe was also found earlier, they also had departed before or soon after our arrival. High winds and rain followed and only one Common Loon, two Pied-billed Grebes, a Horned Grebe, and some expected duck species were to be found. A visit to Pine Lake, just to the South, was equally disappointing.
      And so this post is mainly to let Ohio birders know that these birds were not found there today. Hopefully, these and/or other Ohio rarities will be found/reported by others in the near future. Best of birding during this Spring migration!

Dan Sanders
42 Scioto St
Powell, OH 43065
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