While out running some more OBBA2 site checks, I had a modest fallout this morning.  I spent most of the morning at sites north & east of Pick Ponds, never stopping at the wetlands there.  The landscape doesn't have as much relief or habitat variety as areas further east (like Knox County), but does have lots of small streams bisecting housing developments as well as several woodlots and fields.  Notables:

Hummingbirds - widepsread Ruby-throats, most likely residents

Flycatchers - E.WoodPewees (everywhere), Acadian (residents), Willow (1-2), Gr.Crested (5-6 residents), E.Kingbirds (4+ pairs)

Swallows - Tree, Rough-winged (several nests), Barn, Purple Martins (at several martin houses)

Thrushes - Wood (widespread, mostly residents), Swainson's (rare, only 1 site)

Mimids - all residents (Catbirds, Mockingbirds, Brown Thrashers)

Warblers - 10 species: Yellow, Parula (several on territories), Magnolia (1, almost certainly a migrant), Chesnut-sided (6-7, all likely migrants), Yellow-throated (4-5 residents), Redstarts (4 singing birds, 3 of which were young males), Ovenbird (1 possible resident), Com.Yellowthroat (10+), Kentucky (2 in new areas, likely prospecting for territories), Yellow-br.Chat (2 in good habitat)

Buntings,Grosbeaks - Indigo Buntings (25+, the most common 'migrant' of the morning), Rose-br.Grosbeak (2 singing at Sycamore Creek)

Sparrows - the expected Chipping, Field, & Song, along with the scarcer Savannah (2 spots) and Grasshopper (1 spot)


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