I took off work and went this morning (Thurs) and alas, did not have Al et
al.s luck.  Not a total dip though.
Was there from around 0730 to 0900.  People had seen the Least Bittern in
the small parking lot pond just before I arrived although I did not.
While standing on the little bridge - a Least Bittern flew in and out of the
reeds.   and I got a quick glimps before it headed into the
cattails.  So not a good look but it (or perhaps they, I suspect there is
more than one).  Did see the baby Coots and also a couple of
juvenile Pied Bill Grebes.  One  Sandpiper...Solitary?  Spotted?  IDK.  .
Climbed the tower but did not see anything
interesting the mud is starting to get a little too dry maybe.  Did see a
Killdeer doing something interesting down there
though (I think I'd rather see interesting behavior than a rare bird)  It
was patting the mud with one foot out in front of
itself.  It wasn't quite a scratch, maybe a cross btw a pat and a scratch.
Oddly it would then peck at something not where
it was patting but to the side or some other spot.  It did it for quite
awhile.  Mostly the right foot.  It switched to the left foot once.
I've never noticed this before and am not sure what the purpose was.
Stopped back by around 1230ish.  Again nothing in the small parking lot
pond.  While standing on the bridge facing north I noticed some movement in
the rushes and it was a Virginia Rail (pretty sure but not postive).  While
watching something that I senses as smaller but was too fast to see
ran out and chased it further into the rushes and out of sight, along with
itself.  I saw a Green Heron and another larger shorebird with what looked
to be a pretty clear white breast and dark grey back.
As I was walking back just off the bridge something flew past me - a Least
Bittern who dropped into the west edge of the pond.  Wish I had gotten a
better look.

Marie, Fairborn

> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 20 Jul 2011 19:16:15 -0400
> From:    =?windows-1252?Q?Al_La_Sala?= <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Honda Wetlands (UNion County)
> Today after work I stopped at the Honda Wetlands area of Glacier Ridge=20=
> Metro Park to see the rails that so many people have been posting
> about.=20=
> =20
> I wasn't dissappointed.  Less than three minutes out of the car a king=20=
> rail flew from the pond in the circle to the dried up pond in front of th=
> e=20
> nature center.  I saw a sora, a Virginia rail with her chicks, and a=20
> solitary sandpiper from the observation tower.  An adult American coot an=
> d=20
> four or five immature American coots were swimming in the pond off the=20=
> boardwalk.
> Al La Sala
> Columbus, OH
>> End of OHIO-BIRDS Digest - 19 Jul 2011 to 20 Jul 2011 (#2011-202)
> *****************************************************************


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