I went out this morning around 7 AM to Glacier Ridge Metro Park to see if I could get in on some of the marsh bird bonanza that's been reported recently. The birding was excellent, with lots of active rails out in the open, all visible from the observation tower. At one point, I had 3 soras and 2 virginia rails in the same scope view. In about 40 minutes of observing, I and some other birders saw:
King rail: 1 adult, one possible juvenile (although my experience with young rails is limited, so I've not totally certain it wasn't  just a lighter Virginia juvie)
Virginia Rail: 5, including two juveniles
Sora: 8
Least Bittern: 1, right below the tower, excellent looks (and Ohio bird 320 for me)
Solitary Sandpiper:1
Least Sandpiper: 1
Killdeer: 2
Blue-winged Teal: 2
Great egret: 3
And the usual suspects.

At the grassland portion of the park, birds of note included 3 Bobolinks (1 male and 2 females), numerous Grasshopper Sparrows, a male pheasant, and Purple Martins.

Good Birding,
Andy Sewell
Columbus, Ohio
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