The bus trip to Cedar Point NWR just returned with a nice report of birds
seen, there is also a tour of BGSU Ornithology students at Cedar Point this
morning and they texted me one addition - 6 ruddy turnstones, west of
Anchor Point marina.  We hope their report has even more birds.

Canada goose
trumpeter swan
wood duck
lesser scaup
pied-billed grebe
double-crested cormorant
great blue heron
great egret
black-crowned night heron
turkey vulture
bald eagle
red-tailed hawk
American coot
spotted sandpiper
herring gull
mourning dove
black-billed cuckoo
ruby-throated hummingbird
northern flicker
great crested flycatcher
eastern kingbird
yellow-throated vireo
warbling vireo
red-eyed vireo
blue jay
tree swallow
barn swallow
marsh wren
Swainson's thrush
American robin
gray catbird
European starling
Tennessee warbler
Nashville warbler
northern parula
yellow warbler
chestnut-sided warbler
magnolia warbler
Cape May warbler
black-throated blue warbler
yellow-rumped warbler
black-throated green warbler
blackburnian warbler
palm warbler
blackpoll warbler
palm warbler
blackpoll warbler
black-and-white warbler
American redstart
northern waterthrush
common yellowthroat
Wilson's warbler
scarlet tanager
song sparrow
white-crowned sparrow
northern cardinal
indigo bunting
red-winged blackbird
common grackle
baltimore oriole
American goldfinch


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