Greetings -

Northeast Ohio is on fire today with migrants. At least 19 species of warblers were found at Headlands Beach State Park including two Golden-winged Warblers. A single Willet was found on the beach. Wendy Park in Cleveland is currently hosting 13 (!) species of sparrows.

 I found two (2) CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS there this morning and others have seen and photographed both. It is possible there is a third Individual present. A Golden-winged Warbler was also present at Wendy Park, along with Pine, Palm, Wilsons, Nashville, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Common Yellowthroat. 

Elmwood Park in Rocky River had three (3) Blue-winged Warblers, Black-throated Green, Black-and-white, Nashville, several Blue-headed Vireos, Great Crested Flycatcher and scads of gnatcatchers and kinglets. 


Jen Brumfield
Cleveland, OH
Bird illustrator and birding tour guide
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