I hiked down the Berliner Park bikepath this morning and relocated the Blue Grosbeak along the large open weedfield at the south end of the park.  It's a 'gray' male and was calling rather than singing today.  Also along the bikepath were 4 singing Prothonotary warblers, 3-4 Pewees & Red-eyed Vireos, and 6+ Warbling Vireos, along with the expected chickadees, woodpeckers, and wrens.  An adult bald Eagle was patrolling the Scioto River here as well.

At the nearby Willow Run-Big Run parks cluster, I had a feeding flock of 10 Bank Swallows.  This makes it very likely that they have a small colony somewhere in the quarries along the Scioto here, so anyone visiting the area should give flying swallows extra scrutiny.  These parks also had juvenile Cooper's and Red-tailed Hawks, as well as singing Wood Thrush and Yellow-throated Warblers.


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