JULY 06, 2012 - Cuyahoga Valley National Park & Metro Parks, Serving Summit County Monthly Towpath Trail Census.
HIKE: Towpath Trail from Red Lock Trailhead south to Merriman Rd. TIME: 5:35am-1:25pm TEMP.: 70-99-98 
COND.: Foggy & humid early, giving way to very hot & sunny. FT.MI.: 13.0 OBS.: John Henry & Douglas W. Vogus.
1. Little Brown Myotis - 1
2. Eastern Chipmunk - 14
3. Eastern Gray Squirrel - 1
4. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 4
5. Red Squirrel - 9
6. White-tailed Deer - 2 (doe)
(NOTE: ? = bird was seen but not sexed; * = bird was heard calling but not sexed)
1. Canada Goose - 10
2. Wood Duck - 19 (4f,15 young)
3. Mallard - 10 (3f,7 young)
4. Great Blue Heron - 8
5. Green Heron - 3 (1 immature)
6. Turkey Vulture - 8
7. Cooper's Hawk - 1 (f)
8. Red-tailed Hawk - 3 (1 immature)
9. Peregrine Falcon - 4 (1m,1f,2 immature)
10. Killdeer - 1
11. Spotted Sandpiper - 6
12. Rock Pigeon - 4
13. Mourning Dove - 10
14. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1
15. Chimney Swift - 7
16. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 (*)
17. Belted Kingfisher - 5 (2m,2?,1*)
18. Red-headed Woodpecker - 3 (2 adults with 1 young sticking out of nest-hole)
19. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 (*)
20. Downy Woodpecker - 6 (1m,1f,4*)
21. Northern Flicker - 7 (2m,1?,4*)
22. Pileated Woodpecker - 4 (1m,1?,2*)
23. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 12
24. Acadian Flycatcher - 3
25. Willow Flycatcher - 1
26. Eastern Phoebe - 4
27. Great Crested Flycatcher - 4
28. Eastern Kingbird - 3
29. Yellow-throated Vireo - 3
30. Warbling Vireo - 11
31. Red-eyed Vireo - 13
32. Blue Jay - 5
33. American Crow - 10
34. Tree Swallow - 21 (17 immature)
35. Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 10
36. Bank Swallow - 81
37. Barn Swallow - 5 (1 immature)
38. Black-capped Chickadee - 24 (1 immature)
39. Tufted Titmouse - 26 (2 immature)
40. White-breasted Nuthatch - 9 (1m,8*)
41. Carolina Wren - 8
42. House Wren - 1
43. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 5 (1f,4*)
44. Eastern Bluebird - 9 (3m,2f,1*,3 immature)
45. Wood Thrush - 2
46. American Robin - 38 (3 immature)
47. Gray Catbird - 24
48. European Starling - 217
49. Cedar Waxwing - 9
50. Common Yellowthroat - 37 (36m,1f)
51. Hooded Warbler - 7 (m)
52. American Redstart - 2 (1m,1f)
53. Cerulean Warbler - 1 (m)
54. Yellow Warbler - 8 (2m,2f,3?,1*)
55. Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 (m)
56. Yellow-throated Warbler - 5 (m)
57. Eastern Towhee - 2 (m)
58. Chipping Sparrow - 5
59. Field Sparrow - 1
60. Song Sparrow - 61
61. Swamp Sparrow - 10
62. Scarlet Tanager - 6 (5m,1*)
63. Northern Cardinal -37 (27m,1 immature m,1f,6*,2 immature *)
64. Indigo Bunting - 17 (16m,1*)
65. Red-winged Blackbird - 87 (29m,10f,46 mixed flocks,2 immature)
66. Common Grackle - 129
67. Brown-headed Cowbird - 8 (6m,2f)
68. Orchard Oriole - 1 (m)
69. Baltimore Oriole - 1 (m)
70. House Finch - 5 (2?,3*)
71. American Goldfinch - 22 (9m,3f,10*)
72. House Sparrow - 17
1. Midland Painted Turtle - 18
2. Eastern Spiny Softshell - 6
1. Bullfrog - 7
2. Green Frog - 17
1. Koi (escaped/released) - 1
2. Common Carp - 9
3. Creek Chub - 8
4. Northern Hog Sucker - 2
5. Rock Bass - 1
6. Largemouth Bass - 3
7. Bluegill - 9
8. Pumpkinseed - 16
1. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - 2
2. Cabbage Butterfly - 28
3. Great Spangled Fritillary - 1
4. Pearl Crescent - 5
5. Red-spotted Purple - 4
6. Northern Pearly Eye - 1
7. Monarch - 2

Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.


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