The 2012 Toledo CBC, held this past Sunday December 16, set another record 
with a stellar total of 110 species.  This tops the 108 species tallied 
last year and marks the third consecutive year a new state record has been 
established on the Toledo count.  Kudos to all participants who -- every 
year -- cheerfully an proficiently scour both great and anything-but-great 
birding areas within our circle.  Coverage of the open waters of Maumee 
Bay by Captains Zwiebel and Stockford once again paid big dividends.

Species highlights include the following: Greater white-fronted goose, 
Snow goose, White-winged scoter, Black scoter, Common loon, Red-necked 
grebe (1st count record), Turkey vulture, Merlin, Sandhill crane, 
Killdeer, Wilson’s snipe, Long-eared owl, Northern saw-whet owl, 
Red-headed woodpecker, Northern shrike, Marsh wren, Gray catbird, Savannah 
sparrow, Yellow-headed blackbird, Red crossbill, White-winged crossbill 
(85!), and Common redpoll.

The following all-time Toledo CBC high counts are also of interest: 
American robin (1,879), Red-winged blackbird (28,229), and Pine siskin 
(433, including 375 at Woodlawn Cemetery). 

More details can be found at


Matt Anderson
The Andersons, Inc.
PO Box 119
Maumee, OH  43537

419-891-6527 (office)
419-265-9686 (cell)
419-891-6588 (fax)