With a visiting relative, we decided to take her walking through Woodside Green park in Gahanna to look for migrants, and were rewarded with lots of birds in the wind-less portions of the trails.  The list for 1 hour included:

Red-shouldered & Cooper's Hawks
Barred Owl (a pair)
Flycatchers - E.Wood Pewee, Acadian, Least, Phoebe (2), Great Crested (2)
Swallows - Barn, Rough-winged
Vireos - Blue-headed Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo (3-4)
Wrens,Gnatcatchers - Carolina & House Wrens, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers (4)
Thrushes - Wood, Swainsons (2)
Mimids - Catbirds (3-4), Mockingbird
Cedar Waxwings - 1 pair along Sumption Drive
Warblers - 17 sp., including Parula, Yellow, Nashville (3), Tennessee, Magnolia, Chesnut-sided (5), Yellow-rumped (15), Black-thr.Green, Blackburnian (2), Yellow-throated (2), Palm (3), Amer.redstart (4), Black&White (3), Bay-breasted (2), Blackpolls (2), Hooded, Com.Yellowthroat

Tanagers,Grosbeaks,etc. - Scarlet Tanager, Rose-br.Grosbeak (5), Indigo Bunting (2)
Sparrows - Chipping, Field, Song, White-throated
Icterids - Redwings, Grackles, Cowbirds, Baltimore Orioles (2)
Finches - House Finches, Goldfinches


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