I started by looking for migrants at some of the 'traps' along the NW shore of Hoover Reservoir (Oxbow Island, Wiese Rd, Area I), but actually had better luck stopping at a few isolated parks in Westerville on the way home.  Beautiful morning, but migrants were not easy to come by; the isolation of the 2 Westerville sites (Hoff Woods & Boyer Preserve) may have helped to 'concentrate' their few migrants so that I could easily find the birds.  Notable birds for the morning included:

Raptors - a Red-shouldered calling and foraging at Boyer Preserve was unusual for this small site
Flycatchers - some E.Wood Pewees & Great Crested around the Hoover accesses, along with 2-4 E.Kingbirds at each spot
Swallows - colony of Cliff Swallows at Area I bridge now numbers 75+, one of the bigger colonies around the Reservoir
Vireos - 4 Warbling at Oxbow, and another 2-3 at Wiese Rd.  Red-eyed at both, along with 8-10 at Char-Mar Preserve
Thrushes - single Swainson's were still lurking at Wiese and Char-Mar
Mimids - lots of Catbirds at Oxbow, and a Mockingbird was on the entrance road there
Cedar Waxwings - small flocks of 6-10 at Oxbow & Wiese; smaller groups at Hoff Woods & Boyer
Warblers - 2-3 Prothonotaries were very obvious at Oxbow as Charlie Bombaci mentioned.  More obvious migrants included a Cape May at Char-Mar, singing Blackpoll at Area I, 2 Black-thr.Greens at Hoff Woods, Redstarts at Boyer Preserve and Juniper Ave, Wilson's at Hoff Woods & Boyer Preserve, and an Ovenbird at Hoff Woods

Buntings,Grosbeaks - singing Indigo Buntings at every stop; singing Rose-br.Grosbeaks at Wiese Rd and Char-Mar
Sparrows - nothing except the expected Chipping, Field, and Songs
Orioles - 5-6 Baltimores were at Oxbow ISland, and another 3 were along the Wiese Rd bikepath


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