I did some trail hiking in the CVNP this morning.  Highlights:

Oak Hill Trail (nice roving bird group in trees and brush just east beyond
the planted evergreen grove, I'm positive there were a couple other species
in the mix that I didn't positively ID quick
enough before they moved off to the south)

2 American Redstarts

Mourning Warbler

Yellow-throated Vireo

Warbling Vireo

(note:  this is a great trail to see easily see Pileated Woodpeckers)

Jaite Marsh area

Northern Mockingbird (unexpected)

Many Cedar Waxwings and Chimney Swifts near the river

4 Eastern Bluebirds (two immatures still w/ spots)

Richfield Grasslands

I haven't been out there in 4 years.   I'm guessing the site management plan
(mowing) has changed over the years.   Very few birds seen and it looks very

in with different grass types than I remember.   The old mower trail is
gone.   The marshy area in the middle is also mostly gone - maybe weather

Robert Jackson

Medina, OH


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